The Struggles and Strengths of Being the Oldest Daughter

I wish “oldest daughter” could be listed as an official job title on my résumé because, truthfully, I’ve acquired some of my best skills in this role—organization, leadership, planning, problem-solving, you name it. Since I was a toddler, I’ve been a resourceful queen, whether it was figuring out how to get gum out of my sister’s favorite doll’s hair or editing her college essays. I joke with my sister that she calls me for help before she even thinks, but honestly, it’s not a joke.

Now, add the title of first-gen oldest daughter into the mix, and woo—let’s pass the collection plate around. There’s a unique weight to being the “go-to” person in the family. It’s fulfilling at times, but it’s also exhausting.

The Sense of Responsibility

Being the oldest often feels like being a second parent. You’re expected to balance your personal growth while supporting everyone else’s. And let me tell you, that weight is heavy. There have been moments where I’m knee-deep in my own mess—barely holding it together—and my sister calls me for something she could’ve Googled. I’ll ignore the call to protect my peace, but then my mom chimes in with, “Can you figure this out for your sister?” or “Can you talk to your sister? She’s out of control.”

Ma’am, that is your child.

And here I am, caught in the middle, feeling like I can’t even afford to lose it because someone needs me. In my lowest moments, I used to wish I had someone like me—an older sister to carry the weight, someone to look out for me the way I’ve looked out for everyone else.

It’s isolating being the “problem solver” of the family. But then I have to ask myself—in true Carrie Bradshaw fashion—who assigned me this role? Did someone officially hand me this responsibility, or have I carried this stress unnecessarily for most of my life?

How This Role Shapes Identity

This role often shapes our sense of self in profound ways, sometimes for the worse. Being the oldest daughter often goes hand-in-hand with something I like to talk about with my clients: maladaptive perfectionism. We feel the need to have it all together, all the time. The weight of constantly being “on” can contribute to anxiety, depression, and stress, all of which can manifest in clinical ways.

But it’s not all bad. This role has also given me invaluable strengths.

The Strengths You Gain

As a therapist, I can confidently say my early “job” as the big sister shaped my clinical skills. It taught me empathy, leadership, and how to juggle multiple roles. It’s helped me in friendships, relationships, and even in running my business. I am literally a girl boss.

Looking back, Kendal always knew who she was. My childhood prepared me to show up for others—and for myself—in ways I never imagined.

Self-Care for Oldest Daughters

To my fellow oldest daughters: Put that phone down when you need to. Seriously. You don’t always have to jump into problem-solving mode because sometimes your siblings don’t need a parent; they just need their sibling.

Take care of yourself. Deal with the stress instead of pushing through it. Ask for support instead of trying to do it all on your own. And most importantly, set boundaries.

Self-Care Tips for Oldest Daughters

  1. Take Breaks Without Guilt

    • You’re allowed to rest. The world won’t fall apart if you step away for a moment. Schedule time for yourself, even if it’s just 30 minutes to read, walk, or breathe.

  2. Do Something Just for You

    • Engage in activities that bring you joy—whether it’s binge-watching a guilty pleasure, trying a new hobby, or treating yourself to a solo date.

  3. Say No Without Explaining

    • Practice saying, “I can’t help with that right now,” or “I’m not available.” You don’t need to justify prioritizing yourself.

  4. Reconnect With Your Inner Child

    • Think about what made you happy when you were younger. Was it painting, riding your bike, or dancing in your room? Do it again. It’s healing.

  5. Delegate Responsibilities

    • It’s okay to share the load. If others in your family can handle something, let them. You don’t need to do it all.

  6. Create Daily Rituals

    • Incorporate small, grounding rituals like morning journaling, lighting a candle, or practicing gratitude. These moments of peace add up.

Boundary-Setting Tips for Oldest Daughters

  1. Identify What’s Draining You

    • Pay attention to tasks or interactions that leave you feeling exhausted. These areas likely need boundaries.

  2. Use Assertive Communication

    • Speak calmly but firmly when setting boundaries. For example, “I’m happy to help, but I can’t drop everything right now.”

  3. Be Okay With Discomfort

    • Boundaries might upset others at first, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Discomfort is a natural part of growth—for you and them.

  4. Set “Office Hours”

    • Let family members know when you’re available to help and when you’re not. For instance, “I’ll be free to talk after 7 PM.”

  5. Stop Jumping in Immediately

    • Give others a chance to figure things out before stepping in. Not every problem requires your immediate input.

  6. Write Your Boundaries Down

    • Create a list of boundaries you’d like to maintain. Seeing them in writing helps you stay accountable to yourself.

  7. Seek Support When Needed

    • If setting boundaries feels hard, talk it out with someone you trust—a friend, a partner, or even a therapist.

  8. Remember: Boundaries Are Acts of Love

    • Setting boundaries isn’t about shutting people out; it’s about protecting your energy so you can show up fully for the things that matter most.

      Taking care of yourself and setting boundaries is not selfish—it’s necessary. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and prioritizing your well-being ensures you have the capacity to continue showing up for those you care about. ❤️


The experience of being the oldest daughter is different for everyone, but one thing is for sure: it builds strength and wisdom like no other. Remember, they didn’t ask to be the youngest, just like we didn’t ask to be the oldest.

Still, we’re all figuring this life thing out for the first time. Take care of yourself—you deserve it. And if this resonates, share your story. Let’s lift each other up as we navigate this unique journey together.


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