Aligning With Your Highest Self: Meeting Her, Becoming Her, and Using Free Will to Get There

Aligning With Your Highest Self: Meeting Her, Becoming Her, and Using Free Will to Get There

This week, I felt grounded. Not because life wasn’t throwing punches—it absolutely was—but because I made the choice to stay present. I chose to show up for myself.

My highest self always shows up for herself. She’s intentional, kind, and grounded—even when things don’t go as planned. She’s not perfect, but she’s consistent. And that’s what matters most.

Take this week’s CorePower class as an example. I signed off work late and got to class five minutes past the cutoff. They wouldn’t let me in. Old me might’ve spiraled—angry at myself for being late, frustrated with them for not letting me in, and carrying that irritation for the rest of the night. But this time? I shrugged it off. “Fair enough,” I told myself. I made a mental note to log off earlier next time and focused on being more punctual.

That moment could’ve easily pulled me out of alignment. But instead, I used my free will to choose grace over frustration. And that small choice felt like a win—a reminder of the power we all have to meet and align with our highest selves.

Who Is Your Highest Self?

Your highest self isn’t some distant version of you you’ll meet someday when you “have it all together.” She’s already within you. She’s the version of you that:

  • Moves with purpose and grace, even when life feels chaotic.

  • Speaks to herself with kindness and patience.

  • Chooses to align her actions with her values and goals.

  • Prioritizes self-love and boundaries unapologetically.

  • Honors her needs, even when it’s inconvenient. Clock that one!

Your highest self isn’t about being flawless or unbothered. She’s about showing up, being intentional, and making choices that reflect who you’re becoming.

What Does It Look Like to Meet Her?

Meeting your highest self starts with reflection. It’s about slowing down and asking:

  • Who do I want to be?

  • How does my highest self think, act, and respond to challenges?

  • What kind of energy does she bring into the world?

This week, I’ve been meeting my highest self happens through mirror work. It’s a practice I’ve incorporated into my routine and even introduced to my clients with incredible results.

Mirror work is about spending intentional time with yourself—not to critique, but to see yourself. To acknowledge, appreciate, and connect with the person staring back at you.

How I Practice Mirror Work

When I sit in front of the mirror, I start with stillness. I let myself just be for 2, 5, 10+ minutes, taking in my reflection without judgment. I notice the details—my eyes, my expressions, the way I feel in the moment.

Then, I start speaking to myself. I give myself gratitude for the ways I’ve shown up. I hype myself up, offering words of encouragement and kindness. I remind myself of my worth and my progress.

To guide my reflection, I use prompts like:

  • “What does my highest self need from me today?”

  • “What am I proud of myself for right now?”

  • “How can I show up for myself in this moment?”

Here are some prompts to guide your own mirror work practice:

  1. Gratitude Prompts:

    • “What can I thank my body for today?”

    • “What has my mind or spirit done for me recently that deserves appreciation?”

  2. Self-Compassion Prompts:

    • “What do I need to forgive myself for?”

    • “What would I say to a friend feeling how I feel? How can I say that to myself?”

  3. Affirmation Prompts:

    • “What do I love about myself?”

    • “What makes me unique and beautiful?”

  4. Future Self Prompts:

    • “How does my highest self handle challenges like the ones I’m facing?”

    • “What steps can I take today to get closer to her?”

  5. Encouragement Prompts:

    • “What do I need to hear from myself right now?”

    • “How can I remind myself that I’m doing my best?”

Becoming Her: One Choice at a Time

Becoming your highest self isn’t about dramatic transformations. It’s about small, intentional choices, moment by moment.

Here’s what becoming her might look like:

  • Choosing Presence Over Perfection: Staying where your feet are instead of spiraling into worry about the past or future.

  • Practicing Self-Kindness: Encouraging yourself instead of criticizing when things go wrong.

  • Aligning Your Actions With Your Values: Saying yes to what matters and no to what doesn’t.

  • Investing in What She Loves: Doing the things that light her up, whether it’s journaling, moving her body, or taking time to rest.

The Role of Free Will in Alignment

Free will is our greatest tool. It’s what allows us to choose, over and over again, to show up as our highest selves—even when it’s hard.

  • You can choose to pause instead of react.

  • You can choose to speak kindly to yourself instead of harshly.

  • You can choose alignment, even in the middle of chaos.

It’s not about perfection. It’s about progress.

Practical Steps to Align With Your Highest Self

  1. Mirror Work:
    Spend time with yourself in the mirror. Sit in stillness, meet your own eyes, and let yourself be seen. Then, use prompts to guide your reflection and connect with your highest self.

  2. Set Daily Intentions:
    Start your day by asking: “How can I align with my highest self today?” Write it down or say it out loud to keep it top of mind.

  3. Check In With Yourself:
    Throughout the day, pause and ask: “Am I acting in alignment with my highest self right now?” If not, gently guide yourself back.

  4. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Every time you make a choice that aligns with her—no matter how small—celebrate it.

  5. Reconnect When You Fall Off:
    You won’t always stay aligned, and that’s okay. When you feel off, pause, reflect, and choose alignment again.

You Have the Power to Choose Her

Your highest self is already within you. She’s not waiting for you to become perfect or have it all figured out. She’s waiting for you to choose her—to see her, to listen to her, and to move with intention.

So the next time life feels heavy, pause. Find a mirror. Meet your own eyes. And ask: What does my highest self need from me right now? Then choose her.

Because she’s there, rooting for you, ready to guide you toward the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be. And when you choose her? It changes everything.


Dear Ken… Is he holding me back?